IE University

We contributed to 12 NGOs in the 7th edition of Storytelling For Social Impact.

Contribute to enhance the communication of social organizations through the training of young people.

From LLYC Foundation, we collaborate for the 7th consecutive year with IE University in the Storytelling For Social Impact project, in which students of the Master in Creative Direction, Content and Branding are trained by professionals of the LLYC Team to develop awareness campaigns for foundations in Madrid.

In this edition, the project has had a significant expansion, we have benefited 12 social organizations, twice as many as in previous years. After learning the keys to implement a creative communication strategy, 72 students have put into action the knowledge acquired by developing transmedia campaigns to amplify the communication objectives and give visibility to the causes of NGOs: 

We would like to thank our professionals Julio Alonso, Executive Creative Director, and Carmen García-Morales, Consumer Engagement Manager, for contributing their expertise to this seventh edition of the program.

The role of both of them as coaches has been fundamental for the students to have all the necessary tools and resources to contribute value to the program.

The campaigns developed by the students for Fundación Diversitas and Fundación Plaza de los Oficios were selected as winners.

“Ingredients of life”, a campaign for Plaza de los Oficios, aims to promote a culture of inclusion and  solidarity, aspiring to offer immigrants greater opportunities in the labor market in Spain.

The campaign “We Also Dream Big”, developed for Diversitas Foundation, addresses the social perception of children at risk of exclusion, aiming to transform these negative narratives, offering an empowering and humanizing portrait.

From LLYC Foundation, we continue to strengthen our commitment to provide value to social entities through our professionals.

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