The Foundation joins the Alianza País Pobreza Infantil Cero

  • Date
    Nov 29 2022
  • Countries

The Foundation joins the “Alianza País Pobreza Infantil Cero”, an initiative promoted by the High Commissioner against Child Poverty of the Government of Spain that seeks to ensure inclusive and quality education in safe environments for the youngest. Albert Medrán, Director of Fundación LLYC, and the High Commissioner against Child Poverty, Ernesto Gasco, signed the agreement on Tuesday at a meeting held at the Moncloa Palace in Madrid.

The objectives of the Alliance are aligned with Fundation’s commitment to youth through Voces Futuras, a project that has trained more than 800 young people at risk of social exclusion worldwide in soft skills techniques linked to communication. This action contributes socially to the transformation of the reality of young people who seek to improve themselves and get out of a context of poverty by providing them with communication tools to help them achieve their goals.

Albert Medrán, Director of Foundation José Antonio Llorente: “Signing this Alliance reaffirms our commitment to continue contributing to youth from our expertise. Providing young people with communication tools and witnessing how it contributes to their future encourages us to join initiatives such as these that amplify our reach by joining our efforts with other actors in the sector”.

For his part, the High Commissioner against Child Poverty, Ernesto Gasco, stressed the importance of involving society in the fight against child poverty: “This is a national challenge that involves us all. Child poverty is a cross-cutting phenomenon and we can only fight it effectively if we do it, too, in a cross-cutting way”.

Alianza País por la Pobreza Infantil Cero’ was created in 2021 with the clear objective of changing the path of child poverty in Spain, where one in four children and adolescents is at risk of poverty, by promoting the participation and creation of alliances of more than 195 social actors between public administrations, companies, foundations, the third sector and civil society to work towards a common vision. This agreement allows Fundación José Antonio Llorente to continue advancing in its commitment to the education of young people in communication and to seek synergies with other partners to enhance the activities it carries out.