The Foundation’s projects benefited 1,321 people in 2023, an increase of 53%.

  • Date
    Jul 9 2024
  • Countries

Last year, the foundation supported 38 social entities in 12 countries where it is present. It did so through three communication and creativity initiatives that benefited 1,321 people, 53% more than in 2022. One third of the workforce volunteered their time. 452 of the firm’s professionals, 9% more than last year, dedicated additional time to carry out these activities, a total of 1,560 hours. This is reflected in the ‘Annual Report 2023: Stories that Transform’, which LLYC has just presented, for the seventh consecutive year, in digital format.

Last year, the Foundation’s commitment was aligned with various causes and groups that focused on two areas: education and diversity, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Specifically, the following transformative global and local creativity and communication projects were developed:

  • Doors of Hope: This project aims to make visible, through art, violence against the LGBTIQ+ community in Mexico. In collaboration with Casa Frida and Galería HIlario Galguera, 7 artists interpreted the stories of resilience of LGBTIQ+ people as canvases. ‘Doors of Hope’ is a call for reflection and solidarity that has benefited more than 180 people who have faced challenges on their way to acceptance.
  • Among the global transformation projects, Voces Futuras stands out, which contributes to forging the voices of the future by providing young people at risk of exclusion with soft skills and communication tools. In the fourth edition of this initiative, developed in 2023, more than 594 young people from 12 countries were trained thanks to the expertise and generosity of the firm’s professionals.
  • Storytelling for Social Impact is a project that has been carried out for 7 years with IE University in Madrid through its Master’s Degree in Visual and Digital Media. Different groups of students develop realistic campaigns, narratives with social impact, for Foundations.

In addition, in line with our commitment to join forces with third sector entities, the Foundation has joined the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI), the leading institution in the promotion of social responsibility and philanthropy in Mexico.

María Cura, President of Fundación José Antonio Llorente: “In 2023 we have fulfilled our purpose and amplified our global impact, 53% more than the previous year. This has been possible thanks to the commitment and solidarity of each and every one of our volunteers, who always give the best of themselves to make this project a reality. Our objective is clear. We want to generate social value through communication and transformative creativity. We tell stories that deserve to be told and that open the door to a little-known reality.”

“Every year more and more people benefit from our projects and initiatives. We can be proud. Our mission is to amplify projects of organizations that respond to social, environmental and democracy support causes from the expertise of our professionals to change realities by telling stories through creativity,” says Albert Medrán, Director of Fundación José Antonio Llorente.