Future Voices IV: Inspiring social change among youth through communication

Transforming the lives of vulnerable youth through communication tools and soft skills.
Thanks to the generosity, commitment, and contributions of over 120 LLYC professionals, participants in Future Voices have gained key communication tools and soft skills. These resources empower them to face the future with greater confidence and begin transforming their lives.
To carry out the project, the José Antonio Llorente Foundation collaborated locally with 15 different social organizations: Fundación Cimientos (Argentina), Noix por Noix (Brazil), Fundación Cerro Navía Joven (Chile), Fundación Alquería Cavelier (Colombia), Fundación Nuestros Jóvenes (Ecuador), Fundación Exit (Barcelona and Madrid), Fundación Iter (Madrid), Fundación Plaza de los Oficios (Spain), Fundación EDUCA (Mexico), Kantaya (Peru), Fundación TAC (Panama), Associação Raízes (Portugal), Academia La Javilla (Dominican Republic), and Fundación MIRA USA (Miami).
This year, 120 LLYC professionals volunteered to empower 594 young people in vulnerable situations across the 12 countries where we operate.
This fourth edition stood out for its expanded global reach, with a 96% increase in participants compared to the third edition and a 17% rise in LLYC volunteer involvement. It also introduced digital topics and innovative communication and expression tools.
Since the launch of Future Voices, nearly 1,400 young people from 49 social organizations worldwide have benefited from the initiative. Across four editions, 407 LLYC volunteers have dedicated part of their time to inspiring social change among vulnerable youth.
It has helped me understand how to handle job interviews and connect with people. The best part is feeling like I can communicate better.